WAX WEDNESDAYS!! $40 Brazilian $50 Brazilian plus Underarms ***If services are not booked on a Wednesday appointment will be canceled Please double check your appointment date before completing*** Ends March 26,2025
WAX WEDNESDAYS!! $40 Brazilian $50 Brazilian plus Underarms ***If services are not booked on a Wednesday appointment will be canceled Please double check your appointment date before completing*** Ends March 26,2025
Includes as much or as little off the front, the bikini line and the butt strip between the butt cheeks. Preparation STOP shaving/plucking 2 weeks prior to your wax. The day of your appointment, your hair should be at least ¼ inch long (the length of a rice grain).
Includes bikini line and as much or as little off the front. NO butt strip. Preparation STOP shaving/plucking 2 weeks prior to your wax. The day of your appointment, your hair should be at least ¼ inch long (the length of a rice grain).
Includes as much or as little off the front, the bikini line and the butt strip between the butt cheeks. Preparation STOP shaving/plucking 2 weeks prior to your wax. The day of your appointment, your hair should be at least ¼ inch long (the length of a rice grain).
Full butt cheeks and between butt cheeks
Full Face Includes: Hairline, Eyebrows, Nose, Sideburns, Cheeks, Upper lip, Lower lip, Chin, Jawline, Neck (does not include ears)
Full Back shoulders to waist line
Women (breast area) Men (pec area)
Includes hair removal from under breast/pecs to waist line.
$182.50 deposit required
Includes: Full Face, Underarms, Full Arms, Chest, Stomach, Brazilian, Full Butt, Full Back, Full Legs. 3hr service may be shorter depending on the amount of hair per area that will be serviced.
Must use within 6 months of purchase. $97.50 deposit due at purchase and $97.50 will be due in 4 weeks from purchase date. If date falls on weekend day remaining balance will be processed the following business day.
Must use within 6 months of purchase. $97.50 deposit due at purchase and $97.50 will be due in 4 weeks from purchase date. If date falls on weekend day remaining balance will be processed the following business day.